What is Vibrational Raindrop Technique?
The Vibrational Raindrop Technique, brings together the power of vibrational frequency from Tuning Forks and the healing energetic frequency of Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. Acutonics has been studied and used in vibrational healing for many years. In her research, Dr. Christi Bonds has discovered and created a powerful energetic and balancing tool for the body.
A Raindrop Technique, is a sequence of anointing the body with oils and laying hands on the body that enables structural and electrical alignment in a relaxing and invigorating manner through the power of essential oils. There are many versions of a Raindrop Technique, and the oils that are used in a session can vary.
How Does It Work?

Tuning Forks
The Tuning Forks are paired to create ‘intervals’ of sound, starting with the Unison forks (two forks of identical frequency) and moving along to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and Octave positions. A Raindrop Technique with Tuning Forks always incorporates two tuning forks at the same time to produce harmonic musical intervals. Each interval has a related frequency and specific qualities that are combined with complementary essential oils at each part of the session. All of this is based on the Earth’s rotation using mathematical equations and frequencies, as well as other planetary rotations and their varying frequencies.
This correlates beautifully to the musical scales of the piano, familiar to you as maybe…do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do.
Sound Energy
When playing Middle C on the piano, it vibrates at 261.63Hz, while an octave lower vibrates at half that rate or 130.82Hz, thus a 2:1 ratio of frequency. An Interval is the sound created when 2 tones or pitches are sounded at the same time, or two tuning forks are tapped at the same time…the meeting of the two waves of these two tones. Some intervals are naturally pleasing to us: the Octave, 5ths, 4ths…”perfect intervals.” There is much more to the theory, including consonant, dissonant, and overtone aspects that bring the session into a deep and amazing healing place. But the idea of SOUND, as an energy form, measured in amplitudes and cycles per second, as frequency, can be measured….and this relates directly to our everyday lives.

Menu of Vibrational Raindrop Sessions
CLASSIC – Based on Raindrop Technique as taught by Gary Young (Dallas, TX 2000). Uses Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress, Peppermint, Aroma Siez, V6, and OrthoEase … $95 PA Offices; $120 out-of-state offices
BIBLE OILS – Based on the Bible Oils Kit from Young Living; a very deep and spiritually “atuning” session using Three Wise Men, Hyssop, Myrtle, Cypress, Spikenard, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Onycha, Sandalwood, Galbanum, Cistus, Cassia, and Frankincense … $125
BRAIN – Adapted from Essential Oil Desk Reference Summary wheel of body systems, using Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Clarity, Cardamom, M-Grain, Peace & Calming, and Peppermint … $95 PA Offices; $120 out-of-state offices
COLON/DIGESTION – Adapted from Essential Oil Desk Reference Summary Wheel of body systems, using Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Cumin, Tarragon, DiGize, Fennel, and Spearmint … $95 PA Offices; $120 out-of-state offices
HEART/CIRCULATION – Adapted from Essential Oil Desk Reference Summary Wheel of body systems, using Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Goldenrod, Clove, Aroma Life, Cypress, and Nutmeg … $95 PA Offices; $120 out-of-state offices
HORMONE BALANCE- FEMALE – Adapted from Essential Oil Desk Reference Summary Wheel of body systems and Dr. Bond’s knowledge of female balancing oils, using Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Dragon Time, Fleabane, Endoflex, Clary Sage, and Peppermint … $95 PA Offices; $120 out-of-state offices
HORMONE BALANCE- MALE – Adapted from Essential Oil Desk Reference Summary Wheel of body systems and Dr. Bond’s knowledge of male balancing oils, using Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Lavender, Blue Yarrow, Mister, Myrtle, and Peppermint … $95 PA Offices; $120 out-of-state offices
JOINTS & BONES – Adapted from Essential Oil Desk Reference Summary Wheel of body systems, using Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Helichrysum, Wintergreen, Panaway, Spruce, and Peppermint … $100 PA Offices; $125 out-of-state offices
LIVER – Adapted from Essential Oil Desk Reference Summary Wheel of body systems, using Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Carrot Seed, German Chamomile, Juvaflex, Ledum and Peppermint … $100 PA Offices; $125 out-of-state offices
LONGEVITY – Adapted from Essential Oil Desk Reference Summary Wheel of body systems, using Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Orange, Clove, Longevity, Frankincense, and Peppermint … $95 PA Offices; $120 out-of-state offices
LUNGS – Adapted from Essential Oil Desk Reference Summary Wheel of body systems, using Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Eucalyptus Radiata, Melrose, Raven, Myrtle, and Ravensara … $95 PA Offices; $120 out-of-state offices
METABOLIC ESSENTIALS – Created by Dr. Bonds to bring metabolic concerns into balance. Uses Valor, Eucalyptus Radiata, Myrtle, Fennel, Slique Essence, Cedarwood, Cypress, and Peppermint …$95 PA Offices; $120 out-of-state offices
*Note- All oils used in these sessions are therapeutic grade Young Living Essential Oils. Rest assured that you are getting the best best quality! To learn specifics about each oil listed below, you can purchase great resources, available from Life Science Publishing.
Order Your Own VRT Handbook

How to Order
Order Tuning Up through Vibrational Raindrop Protocols, a set of 12 templates by Sherry Cummings Strayer. This binder includes laminated sheets of ALL 12 VRT protocols, color-coded and laid out with simple but complete instructions for ease and flow of giving any VRT session!
You Pick Which Way To Order:
1. Click on the Buy Now below to order through PayPal.
2. Call 814-883-0006 and place your order by phone.
Shipping is added to cost of Binder, which is $120.00.
*Discounts Available! Order 3 or more: $10.00 discount per Binder.

Research and Studies of Sound Theory
Dr. Hans Jenny discovered that each organ of the body makes sound at specific frequencies, not heard by the human ear, but measurable nonetheless.
Dr. Peter Manners, assisted with this and noted that diseased organs stopped emitting their specific key note. However, he discovered that once the diseased organ’s key note was aimed at it, it was restored to health through resonance with a healthy frequency.
Jonathan Goldman, musician and respected sound healer, states Frequency + Intention = Healing.
Bruce Tainio of Washington has studied the frequencies of people in various states of health, various foods, herbs, and some essential oils. He discovered 1. that boxed and canned foods have NO MHz of energy to offer us, 2. that essential oils can amplify the energetic desire and intention for healing, and also raise the healthy frequency needed for healing, and 3. that our thoughts can increase or decrease the frequency in our bodies and prayer increases the frequency by 15 MHz.
Dr. Royal Rife, discovered that each organ of the body makes sound at specific frequencies, not heard by the human ear, but measurable nonetheless.
Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist discovered that molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings.
Most importantly, the Word of God shows the power of the spoken Word by God the Creator of all life. And God said, “Let there be light; and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3) Sound came before light, the firmament, earth and water, vegetation, sun/moon/stars, fish and flight animals, all other living creatures including man… And God said, “…” Gen. 1:6, Gen. 1:9, Gen. 1:11, Gen. 1:14, Gen. 1:20, Gen. 1:24, Gen.1:29. And God blessed them saying, “…” Gen. 1:22, Gen. 1:28. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) Words come from sound, and Sound/The Word was at the beginning of all time. (The Holy Bible)